I want to tellyou something else but I remember that I wrote some expressions using colours in them,let's check:)tell me if there is a problem

black will take no other hue
بالا تر از سیاهی رنگی نیست

in black and white
به صورت مکتوب

look blue
غمگین بنظر رسیدن

فراموشی موقت

cut someone red hands
مچ کسی رو گرفتن

white lie
دروغ مصلحتی

to give the green light
چراغ سبز نشان دادن

red carpet
علامت پذیرایی مخصوص

born in the purple
عضو خانواده سلطنتی

rose coloured spectacles
عینک خوش بینی

a blackleg
فرد اعتصاب شکن(همون که وقتی همه تصمیم به کاری دارن ساز مخالفه)

in a brown study
عالم رویا و هپروت(همچین قهوه ای:|)

out of the blue
غیر منتظره

black sheep
مایه سرشکستگی،بز گر گله

white elephant
به چیزای کم مصرف گرون که فقط جاگیرن

the yellow press
مطبوعات جنجالی

like a red rag to a bull
عصبی کردن

like a bolt out of blue
از غیب رسید

gone off into the blue
اب شد رفت تو زمین

green with envy
از حسادت ترکید

black look
چپ چپ نگاه کردن

pains chang you from whom you are!once you see there is nothing special in your life,everything are the same!then you don't understand the meaning of enjoy,like,loveyou do because you know you have to do in order not to be weak,not to be hurt more than you were
life cruelly made you to face up with your loneliness to see,there is no body nobodyand when you hardly break when you fail when even breathing become painful for you,everyone points their fingers to you!even those you love more than your life!everyone every time add insult to your injury!they even laugh at your pain
once you find that nothing will surprise you.you see there is a long time that you haven't laugh reallyloudly!along time that you even don't cryjust a habitual smiles and unwanted tears
once you find yourself that no "I love you"no appluse or admiring won't make you happy,or make any sense!just a bitter smile and feel being exaggerated!nothing won't make you feel like walking on air.and then you breath painfully and say:"hey tank you,that's enough!"just complaints an unkindness of those you love makes you more brokenmore tiredtoo tired!

since there is no enthusiast in you I prefer to close comments:)may be it's good I say whatever I wantI shouldn't worry about annoying anyone


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